Brief Profile
Dr. Muhammad Zaigham Qadeer is holding a key position of Director Policy Research in Pakistan Institute of Education (PIE) Islamabad. PIE is recently established by merging two national entities AEPAM and NEAS which were producing Quantitative and Qualitative Education data in Pakistan. He took lead in the development of National Education Database during COVID and produced Periodic quality reports as per national requirements for SMART lockdown and vaccination of Teachers and Students across country.
Dr.Zaigham earned his Master and MPhil degrees in Educational Planning and Management(EPM) from AIOU, Islamabad. He has bend of Academic and Administrative experience in the field of Education. He served as Faculty Member as Assistant and Associate Professor in University of Science and Technology Bannu and Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad. During academic career, he produced Quality research paper published in National and Intranational Research Journals with high impact factor in social sciences.
He also served on Key Administrative Positions like Director Education FDE, Deputy Educational Advisor (DEA) and Registrar AIOU. He has lead role in the development and implementation of various key projects on Teachers Training, Curriculum Evaluation and Students Assessment. He served as Director in Canadian Debt Swap Project in Strengthening of Teachers Training Institutions in Pakistan.
He also steered various Education Reforms Projects in Collaborations with Development partners World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, UNICEF, UNESCO, DEFID,JICA and successfully completed these initiatives at Federal and Provincial level.
Dr. Zaigham also represented Pakistan in National and International Forums on Quality Education and SDG-4.